Photo of Salma Alam-Naylor

Salma Alam-Naylor

Senior Developer Advocate, Sentry

I help developers build stuff, learn things and love what they do. I code live on Twitch. I'm a teacher, musician, and a front end fanatic with a fierce mission to promote accessibility and inclusivity in technology on planet earth.


How to use GraphQL variables to give queries type safety

March 25, 2024


What is a REST API?

February 13, 2024


What is GraphQL? What a GraphQL API is and how to use it

February 8, 2024


How to load responsive images in AVIF and WebP using the HTML <picture> element

November 29, 2021


How to build a personalized image social sharing app with Cloudinary and Next.js

September 8, 2021


How to add Algolia InstantSearch to your Next.js application

July 2, 2021


GraphQL filter for filtering entries by linked references

June 15, 2021


Rich Text field tips and tricks from the Contentful DevRel team

May 27, 2021


Next.js pagination with Contentful and the GraphQL API

April 23, 2021


Rendering linked assets and entries in the Contentful Rich Text field

April 14, 2021


Exploring linked entries and assets in Contentful with JavaScript via REST and GraphQL

April 14, 2021


Three ways to use Puppeteer and Node.js to screenshot web pages and generate dynamic Open Graph images

March 17, 2021


How to generate an RSS feed for your blog with JavaScript and Netlify functions

March 5, 2021


How to build a lightweight microblogging site with Contentful, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

February 5, 2021

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