10 terrific projects from the Developer Showcase

Published on October 20, 2022

Developer Showcase Highlights

Six months ago we launched the Developer Showcase. We invited the community to share with us what they had built with Contentful, and they responded to the call with wild enthusiasm. 

In a very short span of time, it’s been a pleasure and a privilege to gather together some of the most imaginative, exciting, and downright ingenious uses of Contentful by our users. The community was lightning fast in embracing this terrific opportunity to share their projects, while simultaneously motivating others to create and innovate.

The developer relations team at Contentful has provided ongoing support to the Showcase too, by featuring projects on our social media channels and reaching out to individuals to write guest blog posts about their project. Who knows, they might be calling upon YOU in the very near future!

In no particular order or preference, here’s a selection of ten projects which were shared with us that the team found especially impressive. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Conditional fields in Contentful

Frontend developer Alexandra Haynes built a Contentful app that implements conditional fields in the Entry Editor for content models. The app uses a combination of default Contentful fields and custom implementations of fields with Forma 36, our open-source design system. This process enables you to have conditional fields in the editor. Based on the value selected, the fields get displayed, which you can see below in action.

Conditional Fields Selection

2. Online meal-planning community Teuko

Looking for ideas for your next meal? Jessica Gury is the CEO and cofounder of Teuko, which is an online community for families who pack lunches for their kids. The website has a vast array of ideas to choose from, providing parents with meal planning inspiration, whether it’s French cuisine or a Super Mario-themed lunch. Overall, Teuko is more than a simple blog, providing users with the ability to search and shop. As you can see below, Jessica has put together a fully functioning site that was built with Contentful. Here, you can check out the end results. 


3. YouTubing with Contentful

Lead frontend developer at Portaltech Reply William Iommi created a small Contentful App that is connected to the YouTube API. The app allows you to search and select a YouTube video and preview it directly in your Contentful entry. This integration was created using our App Framework and it benefits users by keeping them in the CMS interface. The app also has a simple UI, one that enables users to seamlessly search and preview videos. We would like to give a big shout out to William for sharing the app with us. You can read more about it here


4. Uploading to Medium

Jay is a full-stack developer and design professional who created a Contentful app called MediumUploader. The app allows users to upload blog posts to Medium from the entry editor. It supports Long Text with plans to expand to Rich Text in future versions. For those seeking to promote their content, this app is definitely worth installing.

Medium Uploader

5. Gatsby Bricks

Fans of colorful plastic bricks rejoice! Dan Polant, a web developer, is the creator of Gatsby Bricks — a website dedicated to sharing designs that he and his family have made out of LEGO. He has spent hours building spaceships, houses, animals, and scale models of his basement. Dan used the Contentful and Gatsby Blog Starter to develop this project, a fun place to showcase these various creations.

Gatsby Bricks

6. WEKit

Paul Solbach is a technical director at Jung von Matt TECH. He created WEkit, which stands for web technology enterprise kit and is a Javascript, Contentful API, and Markup stack. Together, these applications come with automations and helpers that allow people to rapidly build well-designed corporate websites. WEKit has an extensible data model that is compatible with Contentful's Compose editing app.


7. iWannaboat

Ahoy there, mateys! iWannaBoat.com is a nautical classified ads website built with Gatsby, React, and Contentful that provides people with the opportunity to buy and sell yachts, motor boats, dinghies, cruising yachts, and catamarans. Olivier Livet shares that the website is simple to use, environmentally friendly and secure. Described as the "harbor office of the internet," the classified ads website has been around since 2007, providing amateur and professional sailors with a place to find what they need.


8. AuralCandy.Net

Time to get your groove on. AuralCandy.Net is a house music podcast that brings listeners everything from disco beats to deep grooves. The website has been managed by Finnish DJ duo MK-Ultra and Mesmic since 2008 and is powered by Contentful, Heroku, and Cloudflare. Teemu Tammela has shared that the podcast has pulled in tens of thousands of listeners from more than 150 countries, collaborating with 50+ record labels, including Piston Recordings, Bosh Recordings, and Monog Records. View the starter


9. ContentModel.io

Ante Sepic is a senior engineer at Uniform who created ContentModel.io, an app that visualizes content models. Users can import content models from Contentful, using a safe authentication process or the importation of an export file generated by Contentful CLI. In doing so, you can use the visual for your own devices or upload it to a content model library to share with the public.


10. Tweet Planner App

Time to take control of your Twitter account? Chandan Rauniyar is a senior software developer at GloBird Energy. As an avid member of Tech Twitter, the developer enjoys reading useful information shared by founders, builders, indie hackers and other enthusiasts. He has recently began tweeting about new features in .NET 6, C# 10, and Azure. Given this, he wanted to build a simple way to schedule tweets in advance. He built a simple workflow with Azure, which used a timer trigger-based function, and Contentful, where tweets could be saved on a content management platform.


Share with us!

That little tour was fun, right? And that’s just scratching the surface. More submissions are coming in every week — so much so that we had to automate the process to keep up! 

We suggest that you check back in another six months for another list of highlights. And if you’ve built a Contentful app or have completed a project using Contentful, we’d love to hear from you. Let’s continue the momentum of sharing your creations and inspiring others. 

In addition to making a submission to the Showcase, you’re welcome to write about what you’ve built (and how you did it) here on this very blog. Oh, and we’re also hosting weekly tech live streams, where you’re invited to join us and demonstrate your work. The sky, as they say, is the veritable limit. 

If you’re interested in either possibility, send an email to the developer relations team, or reach out to us on our community Slack channel or Twitter.

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