FAQ / EU data residency

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Where in the EU will my data be stored?

The EU data residency region consists of AWS Dublin, Ireland, (eu-west-1) as the primary region and AWS Frankfurt, Germany, (eu-central-1) as the secondary region for automatically created backups.

How do I opt to store my data in the EU?

Contact your Sales representative if you want to store your data in the EU data residency region. If you are on an eligible plan, we will provision a new organization in the EU data residency region once your selection of the EU data residency add-on is completed.

How do I know if my data is stored in the EU?

The web app and APIs for the EU data residency region are only available under the EU subdomain. For example, for the web app: app.eu.contentful.com.

Can the same email address be used for user accounts in both US and EU regions at the same time?

Yes, you can have one user account in the US data residency region, and another account in the EU data residency region using the same email address. While accounts in different data residency regions can use the same email address, there is no link between these accounts.

Will the data stored in the EU only be accessible from within the European Union?

Access to data stored in the EU data residency region is not restricted to the European Union. You can access your data from any location.

Will the data stored in the EU only be processed in the European Union?

Like most SaaS companies, Contentful cannot guarantee that data stored in the EU is only processed in the EU. For example, a Marketplace app may call a US-hosted API to process an image stored in the EU.

Like most Content Management Systems, Contentful delivers customer content through Content Delivery Networks, such as Fastly and Amazon CloudFront, which cache data globally to reduce latency and ensure a fast experience for content consumers across the globe.

Is EU data residency available for customers outside the European Union?

Yes, any customer with an eligible plan can subscribe to the EU data residency add-on, regardless of their location.

Can I have an organization with one space stored in the US data residency region, and another space stored in the EU data residency region?

No, Contentful organizations pinned to the EU data residency region are completely separated from organizations in the US region. Each organization is pinned to exactly one data residency region, which cannot be changed. Therefore, an organization can only contain spaces in the same data residency region.

However, if you want to migrate an organization from the US to the EU, you will be able to maintain your US organization for a limited period of time to complete the migration process to the EU data residency region. Contact your Sales representative in this case.

Which data is stored in the European Union (EU)?

The following data is stored in the European Union (EU) if the EU data residency add-on is selected:

  • Customer content and closely related information, such as comments, workflows approvals, and schedules, as well as automatically created backups.

  • User profiles, such as, username, password, name, and email.

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